- 4) Shopify as Target
1) Description
Shopify is a cloud-based eCommerce platform with a user-friendly interface, making it very suitable for beginners.
Simplicity – Shopify has a highly user-friendly interface, making it easy to use even if you have no prior experience opening an online shop.
It’s hosted platform – Which means you don’t have to think about hosting providers. Everything you need is within the platform you use.
No coding – One of the best things about Shopify is that there is no need to know coding to set up your online store. You can do that without writing one single line of code.
Analytics – Shopify users have access to various types of analytics, such as financial reports regarding taxes, sales, payments, real-time information, inventory reports, overview reports regarding sales, orders, sessions, user behavior reports, and analytics for campaigns.
SEO-friendly – Shopify offers an excellent SEO tool that users can customize most of their SEO parameters.
Design functionality – The users can choose templates (free or paid) without designing them from scratch (which is always an option if none of the templates fit).
Rate Limits of this app are defined on the following pages:
For the Integration to work as expected these Rate Limits can not be exceeded.
This can be regulated by setting the Batch Size
2) Setup
The easiest way to Integrate Shopify is by using the Public SyncSpider App
For all possibilities of Integrating Shopify please consult the
How to Integrate Shopify Article
Step 1: In Shopify under apps search for SyncSpider and add it to the Apps List

After that click on "Add app"

Then click on "Install App"

Step 2: Click on "Connect Shopify Store".
This will redirect you to SyncSpider.

Step 3: Name Shopify and give a Description

3) Shopify as Source
3.1 Product

3.1.1 Source Configuration
Products to import

All Products
If this is selected all products will be imported always.
Only Products created after the last import
If this is selected, only products created after the last import will be imported.
Only Products modified after the last import
If this is selected, only products updated after the last import will be imported.
Sort by Date
With this option, you can sort the contacts that will be imported based on their creation date.

To set a date you can use the Calendar screen that pops up when a date text field is selected:

Batch Size
Defines how many items will be processed in one batch
You can choose between the following options:
Configure Product Cache
The Cache is related to your connection and it will be populated with an incremental method on each task run.
Shopify tasks under this connection will use the same cache storage.
Generate Cache

Generating cache before the first task execution will enable extra options in task mapping.
Cache tracks all Shopify product changes except when a product is deleted.
Check Generation Status

By pressing this the Status of the Cache generation will be checked.
This will notify you whether it is done and you can proceed to work on the Shopify Task.
Clear Cache

Clears the previously cached items from the Integration
Note: Using the Clear Cache button can lead to longer task execution.
Users to notify via email on cache generation finish

Here you can set a User of your Organization to be notified through Email when the Cache Generation has been completed.
3.1.2 Filtering
All fields of Shopify can be filtered according to their data type listed in Mapping.
For more information about the filtering options please consult the Filtering Article.
3.1.3 Mapping
Field | Type |
Title | text |
Product ID | number |
Description | text |
Vendor | text |
Status | text |
Publish Scope | text |
Variation Type | text |
Parent UID | text |
Product type | text |
Tags | text |
Published | bool |
Inventory | Collection |
Inventory.Product Title | text |
Inventory.Barcode | text |
Inventory.Price | text |
Inventory.Compare at price | text |
Inventory.Weight | number |
Inventory.Weight Unit | options |
Inventory.SKU | text |
Inventory.Inventory management | text |
Inventory.Inventory Quantity | number |
Inventory.Requires Shipping | bool |
Inventory.Taxable | bool |
Inventory.Option1 | text |
Inventory.Option2 | text |
Inventory.Option3 | text |
Inventory.Image URL | text |
Inventory.Tax code | text |
Inventory.Presentment prices | Collection |
Inventory.Presentment prices.Price | Complex |
Inventory.Presentment prices.Price.amount | text |
Inventory.Presentment prices.Price.currency_code | text |
Inventory.Presentment prices.Compare at price | text |
Options | Collection | | number |
Options.product_id | number | | text |
Options.position | number |
Product Images | Collection |
Product Images.Image URL | text |
Inventory Items | Collection |
Inventory | number |
Inventory Items.sku | text |
Inventory Items.cost | number |
Inventory Items.country_code_of_origin | text |
Inventory Items.province_code_of_origin | text |
Inventory.harmonized_system_code | text |
Main Image | Complex |
Main Image.Image URL | text |
Metafields | Complex |
Metafields.x | text |
3.2 Order

3.2.1 Source Configuration
Incremental Import
If this is selected, only orders created after the last import will be imported.
Otherwise, all orders will be imported always.
Sort by Date
With this option, you can sort the contacts that will be imported based on their creation date.

To set a date you can use the Calendar screen that pops up when a date text field is selected:

3.2.2 Mapping
Field | Type |
Order number | number |
Name | text |
text | |
Note | text |
note_attributes | collection | | text |
note_attributes.value | text |
created_at | text |
updated_at | text |
Phone | text |
Currency | text |
Total Tax | text |
Total Discounts | text |
Total price | text |
subtotal_price | text |
Total line items price | text |
total_outstanding | text |
Casted Values | complex |
Casted Values.Total Tax | number |
Casted Values.Total Discounts | number |
Casted Values.Total price | number |
Casted Values.subtotal_price | number |
Casted Values.Total line items price | number |
Casted Values.total_outstanding | number |
total_weight | number |
order_status_url | text |
Tags | text |
referring_site | text |
Buyer accepts marketing | bool |
location_id | number |
Financial status | options |
payment_gateway_names | text |
processed_at | text |
Financial status | options |
Cancel reason | options |
Items | collection |
Items.Fulfillable quantity | text |
Items.Fulfillment service | text |
Items.Fulfillment status | text |
Items.Grams | number |
Items.Price | number |
Items.price_set | complex |
Items.price_set.shop_money | complex |
Items.price_set.shop_money.amount | text |
Items.price_set.shop_money.currency_code | text |
Items.price_set.presentment_money | complex |
Items.price_set.presentment_money.amount | text |
Items.price_set.presentment_money.currency_code | text |
Items.Quantity | number |
Items.Requires Shipping | bool | | number |
Items.SKU | text |
Items.Title | text |
Items.Variant title | text |
Items.Vendor | text |
Items.Taxable | bool | lines | collection | lines.price | text | lines.price_set | complex | lines.price_set.shop_money | complex | lines.price_set.shop_money.amount | text | lines.price_set.shop_money.currency_code | text | lines.channel_liable | text | lines.rate | text |
Items.Total Discount | text |
Items.Total Discount (number format) | number |
Items.total_discount_set | complex |
Items.total_discount_set.shop_money | complex |
Items.total_discount_set.shop_money.amount | number |
Items.total_discount_set.shop_money.currency_code | text |
Items.total_discount_set.presentment_money | complex |
Items.total_discount_set.presentment_money.amount | text |
Items.total_discount_set.presentment_money.currency code | text |
Items.discount_allocations | complex |
Items.discount_allocations.amount | text |
Items.discount_allocations.discount_application_index | number |
Items.discount_allocations.amount_set | complex |
Items.discount_allocations.amount_set.shop_money | complex |
Items.discount_allocations.amount_set.shop_money.amount | number |
Items.discount_allocations.amount_set.shop_money.currency_code | text |
Items.discount_allocations.amount_set.presentment_money | complex |
Items.discount_allocations.amount_set.presentment_money.amount | number |
Items.discount_allocations.amount_set.presentment_money.currency_code | text |
Items.origin_location | complex | | number |
Items.origin_location.province_code | text |
Items.origin_location.currency_code | text | | text |
Items.origin_location.address1 | text |
Items.origin_location.address2 | text | | text | | text |
Items.Duties | collection | | text |
Items.Duties.harmonized_system_code | text |
Items.Duties.country_code_of_origin | text |
Items.Duties.shop_money | complex |
Items.Duties.shop_money.amount | text |
Items.Duties.shop_money.currency_code | text |
Items.Duties.presentment_money | complex |
Items.Duties.presentment_money.amount | text |
Items.Duties.presentment_money.currency_code | text | lines | collection | lines.title | text | lines.price | text | lines.rate | number | lines.price_set | complex | lines.price_set.shop_money | complex | lines.price_set.shop_money.amount | text | lines.price_set.shop_money.currency_code | text | lines.price_set.presentment_money | complex | lines.price_set.presentment_money.amount | text | lines.price_set.presentment_money.currency_code | text | lines.channel_liable | text |
Items.Properties | collection | | text |
Items.Properties.value | text |
Payment details | complex |
Payment details.Avs result code | text |
Payment details.Credit card bin | text |
Payment details.CVV result code | text |
Payment details.CC number | text |
Payment details.CC company | text |
Billing address | complex |
Billing address.Address1 | text |
Billing address.Address2 | text |
Billing address.City | text |
Billing address.Company | text |
Billing address.Country | text |
Billing address.First name | text |
Billing address.Last name | text |
Billing address.Phone | text |
Billing address.Province | text |
Billing address.Zip | text |
Billing address.Name | text |
Billing address.Province code | text |
Billing address.Country code | text |
Billing address.latitude | text |
Billing address.longitude | text |
Shipping details | complex |
Shipping details.Address1 | text |
Shipping details.Address2 | text |
Shipping details.City | text |
Shipping details.Company | text |
Shipping details.Country | text |
Shipping details.First name | text |
Shipping details.Last name | text |
Shipping details.Phone | text |
Shipping details.Province | text |
Shipping details.Zip | text |
Shipping details.Name | text |
Shipping details.Province code | text |
Shipping details.Country code | text |
Shipping details.latitude | text |
Shipping details.longitude | text |
Shipping lines | collection |
Shipping lines.Code | text |
Shipping lines.Price | text |
Shipping lines.price_set | complex |
Shipping lines.price_set.shop_money | complex |
Shipping lines.price_set.shop_money.amount | number |
Shipping lines.price_set.shop_money.amount_cent | number |
Shipping lines.price_set.shop_money.currency_code | text |
Shipping lines.price_set.presentment_money | complex |
Shipping lines.price_set.presentment_money.amount | number |
Shipping lines.price_set.presentment_money.amount_cent | number |
Shipping lines.price_set.presentment_money.currency_code | text |
Shipping lines.Discounted price | text |
Shipping lines.discounted_price_set | complex |
Shipping lines.discounted_price_set.shop_money | complex |
Shipping lines.discounted_price_set.shop_money.amount | number |
Shipping lines.discounted_price_set.shop_money.amount_cent | number |
Shipping lines.discounted_price_set.shop_money.currency_code | text |
Shipping lines.discounted_price_set.presentment_money | complex |
Shipping lines.discounted_price_set.presentment_money.amount | number |
Shipping lines.discounted_price_set.presentment_money.amount_cent | number |
Shipping lines.discounted_price_set.presentment_money.currency_code | text |
Shipping lines.Source | text |
Shipping lines.Title | text |
Shipping lines.Carrier identifier | text |
Shipping lines.Requested fulfillment service_id | text |
Shipping lines | collection |
Shipping lines.price | text |
Shipping lines.price_set | complex |
Shipping lines.price_set.shop_money | complex |
Shipping lines.price_set.shop_money.amount | text |
Shipping lines.price_set.shop_money.currency_code | text |
Shipping lines.price_set.presentment_money | complex |
Shipping lines.price_set.presentment_money.amount | text |
Shipping lines.price_set.presentment_money.currency_code | text |
Shipping lines.channel_liable | text |
Shipping lines.rate | text |
Shipping lines.title | text |
Discount codes | collection |
Discount codes.Code | text |
Discount codes.Amount | text |
Discount codes.Type | options |
Discount applications | collection |
Discount applications.target_type | text |
Discount applications.type | text |
Discount applications.value | text |
Discount applications.value_type | text |
Discount applications.allocation_method | text |
Discount applications.target_selection | text |
Discount applications.code | text |
Discount applications.title | text |
Discount applications.description | text |
taxes_included | bool |
tax_lines | collection |
tax_lines.price | number |
tax_lines.rate | number |
tax_lines.title | text |
tax_lines.channel_liable | bool |
Fulfillments | collection |
Fulfillments.ID | text |
Fulfillments.Order ID | text |
Fulfillments.Status | text |
Fulfillments.Tracking Company | text |
Fulfillments.Tracking Number | text |
3.3 Customer

3.3.1 Source Configuration
Incremental import

If this is selected, only customers created after the last import will be imported. Otherwise, all customers will be imported always.
Sort by Date
With this option, you can sort the contacts that will be imported based on their creation date.

To set a date you can use the Calendar screen that pops up when a date text field is selected:

3.3.2 Mapping
Field | Type |
ID | number |
text | |
Accepts marketing | bool |
First name | text |
Last name | text |
Orders count | number |
State of the customer's account | text |
Total spent | number |
A note about the customer | text |
Verified email | bool |
Tax Exempt | bool |
Phone | text |
Tags | text |
Last order name | text |
Currency | text |
Addresses | collection |
Addresses.First name | text |
Addresses.Last name | text |
Addresses.Company | text |
Addresses.Address 1 | text |
Addresses.Address 2 | text |
Addresses.City | text |
Addresses.Province | text |
Addresses.Country | text |
Addresses.ZIP | text |
Addresses.Full name | text |
Addresses.Province code | text |
Addresses.Country code | text |
Addresses.Is default address | bool |
Default address | complex |
Default address.First name | text |
Default address.Last name | text |
Default address.Company | text |
Default address.Address 1 | text |
Default address.Address 2 | text |
Default address.City | text |
Default address.Province | text |
Default address.Country | text |
Default address.ZIP | text |
Default address.Full name | text |
Default address.Province code | text |
Default address.Country code | text |
Default address.Is default address | bool |
4) Shopify as Target
4.1 Product

4.1.1 Target Configuration
Choose product unique identifier field (UID)

With this option, you can select whether you are using a Title, SKU, or Barcode as the Unique Identifier Field of your Products.
If Title is selected as the UID it will become the main required field for your Shopify Product.
If SKU is selected as the UID it will become the main required field for your Shopify Product.
If Barcode is selected as the UID it will become the main required field for your Shopify Product.
Batch Size
Defines how many Items will be processed in one batch
You can choose between the following options:
Deduct product quantity with values from source integration
This allows you to decrease the product quantity in Shopify based on the value received from the source.

Add product options that will be created in a product.
Options created here will be displayed on the mapping screen, and if mapped, they will be created in the product.
*Shopify supports only 3 options, because of that we will take the first 3 options with values
You can predefine the Option Names by pressing the "Add Option" button as displayed below.

Create meta fields

This allows you to add a Meta field that will be available for mapping.
For the use of Meta fields please consult How to use meta fields in SyncSpider.
Create meta fields for product variations
This allows you to add a Meta field to use for product variation/option that will be available for mapping.
For the use of Meta fields please consult How to use meta fields in SyncSpider.
Note: If you make any change in options or meta fields we will reload the schema on the mapping screen. This can take some time to refresh.
4.1.2 Mapping
* = required (depending on the selected UID)
Field | Type |
Barcode* | text |
Title* | text |
Description | text |
Parent SKU | text |
SKU* | text |
Collection | hierarchy |
Price | number |
Inventory Quantity | number |
location | options |
Vendor | text |
Product type | text |
Tags | text |
Published | bool |
Inventory | Collection |
Inventory.SKU | text |
Inventory.Barcode | text |
Inventory.Price | text |
Inventory.Cost | text |
Inventory.Compare at price | text |
Inventory.Weight | number |
Inventory.Weight Unit | options |
Inventory.Inventory management | text |
Inventory.Inventory Quantity | number |
Inventory.Inventory Policy | options |
Inventory.Requires Shipping | bool |
Inventory.Taxable | bool |
Options | collection |
Options.Option1 Name | text |
Options.Option2 Name | text |
Options.Option3 Name | text |
Options.Option1 | text |
Options.Option2 | text |
Options.Option3 | text |
Options.Price | text |
Options.SKU | text |
Product Images | Collection |
Product Images.Image URL | text |
Product Images.Image Base64 | text |
Product Images.Alt Text | text |
Product Images.Position | number |
Customs information | Complex |
Customs information.country_code_of_origin | text |
Customs information.province_code_of_origin | text |
Customs information.harmonized_system_code | text |
Metafields | Complex |
Metafields.x | text |
4.2 Product Update
4.2.1 Target Configuration
Choose product unique identifier field (UID)
With this option, you can select whether you are using an SKU or Barcode as the Unique Identifier Field of your Products.
If SKU is selected as the UID it will become the main required field for your Shopify Product.
If Barcode is selected as the UID it will become the main required field for your Shopify Product.
Batch Size
Defines how many Items will be processed in one batch
You can choose between the following options:
Deduct product quantity with values from source integration

This allows you to decrease the product quantity in Shopify based on the value received from the source.
Create meta fields

This allows you to add a Meta field that will be available for mapping.
For the use of Meta fields please consult How to use meta fields in SyncSpider.
4.2.2 Mapping
* = required (depending on the selected UID)
Field | Type |
SKU* | text |
Barcode* | text |
Title | text |
Description | text |
Parent SKU | text |
Collection | hierarchy |
Price | number |
Inventory Quantity | number |
location | options |
Vendor | text |
Product type | text |
Tags | text |
Published | bool |
Inventory | Collection |
Inventory.SKU | text |
Inventory.Barcode | text |
Inventory.Price | text |
Inventory.Cost | text |
Inventory.Compare at price | text |
Inventory.Weight | number |
Inventory.Weight Unit | options |
Inventory.Inventory management | text |
Inventory.Inventory Quantity | number |
Inventory.Inventory Policy | options |
Inventory.Requires Shipping | bool |
Inventory.Taxable | bool |
Options | collection |
Options.Option1 Name | text |
Options.Option2 Name | text |
Options.Option3 Name | text |
Options.Option1 | text |
Options.Option2 | text |
Options.Option3 | text |
Options.Price | text |
Options.SKU | text |
Variation Image | Complex |
Variation Image.Image URL | text |
Variation Image.Image Base64 | text |
Variation Image.Alt Text | text |
Product Images | Collection |
Product Images.Image URL | text |
Product Images.Image Base64 | text |
Product Images.Alt Text | text |
Product Images.Position | number |
Customs information | Complex |
Customs information.country_code_of_origin | text |
Customs information.province_code_of_origin | text |
Customs information.harmonized_system_code | text |
Metafields | Complex |
Metafields.x | text |
4.3 Order
4.3.1 Target Configuration
Choose the Order UID
Extend Shopify Order and Order update entities by choosing UID in the destination configuration screen, in this dropdown menu you will be able to choose Order Number or Name.

Create Meta fields

This option allows you to add a Meta field that will be available for mapping.
For the use of Meta fields please consult How to use meta fields in SyncSpider.
4.3.2 Mapping
* = required
Field | Type |
Order number* | text |
Currency | text |
text | |
Note | text |
Phone | text - *E.164 phone number format is required. |
Total Tax | text |
Total Discounts | text |
Total price | text |
Total line items price | text |
Buyer accepts marketing | bool |
Send receipt | bool |
Inventory behaviour | options |
Financial status | options |
Cancel reason | options |
Items | collection |
Items.Fulfillable quantity | text |
Items.Fulfillment service | text |
Items.Fulfillment status | text |
Items.Grams | number |
Items.Price | number |
Items.Quantity | number |
Items.Requires Shipping | bool |
Items.SKU | text |
Items.Title | text |
Items.Variant title | text |
Items.Vendor | text |
Items.Taxable | bool |
Items.Total Discount | text | lines | collection | lines.price | text | lines.rate | text | lines.title | text |
Payment details | complex |
Payment details.Avs result code | text |
Payment details.Credit card bin | text |
Payment details.CVV result code | text |
Payment details.CC number | text |
Payment details.CC company | text |
Billing address | complex |
Billing address.Address1 | text |
Billing address.Address2 | text |
Billing address.City | text |
Billing address.Company | text |
Billing address.Country | text |
Billing address.First name | text |
Billing address.Last name | text |
Billing address.Phone | text |
Billing address.Province | text |
Billing address.Zip | text |
Billing address.Name | text |
Billing address.Province code | text |
Billing address.Country code | text |
Billing address.latitude | text |
Billing address.longitude | text |
Shipping details | complex |
Shipping details.Address1 | text |
Shipping details.Address2 | text |
Shipping details.City | text |
Shipping details.Company | text |
Shipping details.Country | text |
Shipping details.First name | text |
Shipping details.Last name | text |
Shipping details.Phone | text |
Shipping details.Province | text |
Shipping details.Zip | text |
Shipping details.Name | text |
Shipping details.Province code | text |
Shipping details.Country code | text |
Shipping details.latitude | text |
Shipping details.longitude | text |
Shipping lines | collection |
Shipping lines.Code | text |
Shipping lines.Price | text |
Shipping lines.Discounted price | text |
Shipping lines.Source | text |
Shipping lines.Title | text |
Shipping lines.Carrier identifier | text |
Shipping lines.Requested fulfillment service_id | text |
Discount codes | collection |
Discount codes.Code | text |
Discount codes.Amount | text |
Discount codes.Type | options |
tax_lines | collection |
tax_lines.price | number |
tax_lines.rate | number |
tax_lines.title | text |
Tags | text |
Note: E.164 defines a general format for international telephone numbers.
E.164 numbers can have a maximum of fifteen digits and are usually written as follows:
[+][country code][subscriber number including area code].
An example of a US number in the E.164 format is +16175551212.
E.164 number formatting is required only for the Phone mapping field.
4.4 Order Update
4.4.1 Source Configuration
Create Meta fields

This allows you to add a Meta field that will be available for mapping.
For the use of Meta fields please consult How to use meta fields in SyncSpider.
4.4.2 Mapping
* = required
Field | Type |
Order number * | text |
fulfillment_status | options |
Fulfillments | complex |
Fulfillments.ID | text |
Fulfillments.Order ID | text |
Fulfillments.location_id | options |
Fulfillments.Status | options |
Fulfillments.Shipment status | options |
Fulfillments.Tracking Company | options |
Fulfillments.Tracking Number | text |
Fulfillments.Send fulfillment receipt | bool |
Currency | text |
text | |
Note | text |
Phone | text |
Total Tax | text |
Total Discounts | text |
Total price | text |
Total line items price | text |
Buyer accepts marketing | bool |
Send receipt | bool |
Financial status | options |
Cancel reason | options |
Items | collection |
Items.Fulfillable quantity | text |
Items.Fulfillment service | text |
Items.Fulfillment status | text |
Items.Grams | number |
Items.Price | number |
Items.Quantity | number |
Items.Requires Shipping | bool |
Items.SKU | text |
Items.Title | text |
Items.Variant title | text |
Items.Vendor | text |
Items.Taxable | bool |
Items.Total Discount | text | lines | collection | lines.price | text |